Photon Warrior of the Sea of Stars.


Name: Ashe.Age: 19 (physically) / Unknown (Actual).Gender: Female.Birthday: Unknown (can't recall).Height: 5'11" / 180 cm.Weight: 119 lb / 54 kg.Hair Color: White.Eye Color: Multi
(Blue / Red / Purple)
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual.


Initially, there does not exist a lot of information on Ashe's early life; the only thing that is suggested is that she was a simple civilian before the year AP 238. She herself does not even recall a lot in her life, and there is nothing to indicate any trauma that would indicate her not being able to remember anything whatsoever. To add onto this, even records of her family as a whole are almost nonexistent within ARKS. Naturally, this brings up some question to folks, especially the higher-ups, but with the work she puts in, she's trusted well enough.In reality, she is essentially an artificial existence created by Xion, an omniscient planet. The reason for her creation is not exactly clear, though records point to upholding a stable time loop in some manner.However, she would deny this fate of hers and instead combat the Profound Darkness in its primordial state at the beginning of everything, effectively eliminating it and ending the universe's greatest threat.As of now, it's been 1,000 years since Oracle's battle against the Profound Darkness. Ashe has somehow lived throughout those years, yet does not elaborate much on what has happened, though it is known that ARKS continued their travels and eventually settled on the planet Halpha. While she has assisted a bit with their efforts to combat them, she knows that a certain trio will provide the morale and effort needed to defeat them, so she has chosen to instead observe things for the most part, but has focused more on traveling to other worlds.

Personality & Appearance

Ashe can be considered a rather interesting individual.The first part of her that can be talked about is the more normal aspect of her. She is a friendly-enough individual to the point that she gives off a sort of ‘air’ that naturally attracts others to her, considering that many people have often flocked to her. Plus she has a sort of air that seemingly brings relief to others, and even the hardest of folks have a hard time keeping that act up when it comes to her. However, she also likes to mess around with others sometimes, especially close friends, often teasing them with her words or some gestures.However, despite the friendliness and welcoming air she has, she can have some moments where she can give some snarky responses. She is also shown to be rather. . . indifferent, even cynical, with some interactions, at least with certain people. Even with the moments where she doesn't say anything, her body language expresses her feelings. She is also shown to be extremely blunt at times with what she has said. If angry enough, she'll likely start cursing in another language.Ashe has a thrill for battle - she enjoys battle, but she doesn't actively seek it, at least nowadays she does not, but she can show an expression of happiness and even sometimes let out a small laugh. When thinking about it however, this isn't surprising, considering the type of background she has, in which battles were practically unavoidable at times. But she also does have some moments where she can have a serious expression, a result of what she's gone through in her battle against demons.Ashe has a bit of quirk, likely because of being able to speak things like Japanese and Scottish Gaelic. Sometimes she may even throw in a bit of a latter when speaking. This also means she may curse out the individual in another language, whether the recipient understands it or not.She also likes wolves and foxes. . . which could be found fitting since she can have the playfulness of a fox and the seriousness of a wolf at times. But she is also fond of dragons as well.In terms of her appearance, Ashe's most notable features include her snow-white hair and her eyes, which seem to be blue with a rather noticeable purple/pink pupil, though she can willingly change how her appearance is at any time due to Photons. She's noted to have a rather curvaceous figure as well. (Refer to images.)


Photon Weaponry: Being a member of ARKS, Ashe has access to all available weapons that any operatives are able to use. Weapons include the Sword, Partizan, Dual Wired Lances, Twin Daggers, Double Sabers, Knuckles, Katanas, Dual Blades, Gunblades, Assault Rifles, Launchers, Twin Machine Guns, Bullet Bows, Talises, Rods, Wands, Jet Boots, and Takts. She has a few select weapon series she often likes to use outside of the usual Scion class weapons. They include the Liberate, Lightstream, and Lightweave weapons. She can freely switch between the weapons types, too.

Powers & Combat Capabilities

Photons: Photons are the quintessential particles in the universe of Oracle, effectively quite literally making up everything. Likewise, on their own – Photons are unstable. Enough so that if a singular photon struck something made of matter, the effects would be disastrous. ARKS primarily use Photons through Photons Arts, special weapon-based attacks, and Techniques, which are elemental Photon abilities that can be likened to magic, though the two are fundamentally different. Photons are completely dependent on the user in terms of their function, and it is generally accepted that the stronger the user, the more feats they can perform using Photons alone. Of course, since Photons are part of the user's body, the more they use it, the more likely they tire themselves out, especially those who aren't as disciplined in their training. Ashe's Photon capabilities are one of the strongest in her universe, only being compared to by one or two individuals.

Mana: An energy that is the basis for being able to utilize magical abilities. Not much is known about mana, but it is a different energy in nature compared to Photons, especially considering that Magic, which is what mana powers, is something considered to be of a higher power compared to Techniques, which utilize Photons. Ashe is likely able to use mana in a way like that of Techniques or Photon Arts, which means should Photons prove to be ineffective against an enemy, at least she has an alternative way of combating the enemy.

Magic: Magic is not commonplace in Oracle, instead it is extremely rare. From what is known, it is generally thought to be a form of power that is much higher than that of Techniques. There is only one person who would've been classified as a Magic User, though Ashe could possibly fall under that since she can utilize mana, as shown in Omega, as she was shown being able to activate the Buster Towers. But as far as any magical abilities of her own goes, she doesn't seem to have any.

General Combat: Ashe a hardened warrior at her core, and this has been bolstered by all the types of enemies she has had to fight. She is capable of using a multitude of weaponry, ranging from swords to even guns, though she prefers swords, and she also has her magic that can use to bolster her attacks. She is strong enough to take hits from even some of the stronger hitting beings (whether demons, DOLLS, anything of the sort), some of which have the means of destroying the world or beyond with their might alone. She is also able to keep track of movement that happens when time is stopped, which allows her to effectively react against those who would try to rely on such methods of fighting.